
Rhivaris was a magical world, relatively peaceful except for a healthy competitive strife between the inhabiting races. At its center lay the mighty realms of the Orthans. Master engineers that could harness magic through clever contraptions of which the other races could only marvel. 

At first the other races distrusted the Orthans but through trade they slowly started to appreciate their ingenuity. The Orthans grew rich beyond belief which drove their pursuit for knowledge further and further. At the prime of their existence Master engineer Uri invited the greatest shamans and mages from across Rhivaris. To strengthen the bond between the races they combined their knowledge of the elements and the masterminds ingenuity to create their greatest feat yet. 

A device that would allow the user to teleport across the land. They called it the Elemental gate. Around the device a metropolis sprawled. Trade between the races boomed and the new city, called Rhivanon, became the center of the world. All seemed great for a time, but the volatile magic needed to sustain the elemental gate caused a huge strain on the device. In time the pristine portal started to crackle and twirl with bursts of purple energy. In their greed the denizens of Rhivanon ignored the signs of imminent danger…. until they were too late. 

In a series of cataclysmic events the Elemental gate tore open the fabrics of reality and swallowed Rhivanon and a huge part of the Orthans homeland. Where once was the pristine pinnacle of civilization only a desolate arcane corrupted land remained, from that point on forever known as the void lands.The disaster was not only felt by those living near the device, its volatile energy was flung across Rhivaris and wherever it landed rifts tore open reality from which strange elemental creatures emerged.The Elementy, as they called them, emerging from the rifts were very dangerous. Their sudden appearance changed life in Rhivaris forever as they unleashed their pure elemental energy wherever they appeared.

However, in time skilled artisans proficient in the arts of magic found they could use this power of these Elementy to their advantage. Especially their cores, which was made of a raw energy crystal of immense power. They learned to harness this energy and forge these crystals and the Elementy’s magical essence into powerful weapons and artifacts. 

The demand for these cores rose quickly, and hunting Elementy soon became a profession in parts of Rhivaris. But the amount of Elementy coming from the rifts was not constand, let's just say demand started to become higher then what was provided. Furthermore Uri, who survived the cataclysm, believed they could use these crystals to cleanse his homeland and expel the arcane corruption. In a bid to redeem himself the master engineer devised a machine to stabilize a rift long enough for a person to venture through to the other side and back again. Now the only thing he needed were warriors brave enough to go to the other side and collect as many crystals as possible. So a call went out throughout the lands, a call for warriors and adventurers with the promise of untold riches, glory and fame. 

Brace yourself and venture into the unknown!  You are taking an enormous risk, but you have a good reason to do so.You can’t come out empty handed. The others, they don’t trust you, so why trust them, if push comes to shove, well lets just  say … unfortunate accidents… do happen.