Nando son of Droga & The Dordorian Hordes

The Dordorian Hordes

Dordorians might seem barbaric or savage to outsiders. And yes it's true, strength is valued above anything in this society ruled by an ancient warrior class. But if you live in an environment as hostile as theirs, it is no wonder. To survive the Korkadol hinterlands they roam in huge hordes thousands strong. They live off what little the land provided: mushrooms, mosses and Runoxe meat.Though the volcanic wasteland they inhabit also has its benefits. The landscape is rich in Korkadol, with the valuable metal often visible on the surface. With the help of their unnatural strength and their mobile furnaces, the Dordorians mine the ore and forge it into Korkadol Steel which they use to craft their formidable axes and blades.  

The hordes are led by an experienced and strong leader called a Curhaul, whose task it is to ensure that  every Dordorian contributes . Those who do not are banished, which in many cases is a death sentence. Underneath  all this brutality and strength however their society is one of respect, honor and care. As long as you do your part the horde will never let you down. The horde is your family, and family is everything. 

The initial impact of the cataclysm on the Dordorians was negligible . Accustomed to hardship,  they adjusted quite quickly to the new threat brought on by  the appearance of the Elementy. Their warriors quickly learned how to defeat these monstrosities . But soon a craze emerged among the youngling warriors who began to see  the red crystals from the Elementy as a sign of strength. These upstarts started to demand that whomever had the most crystals be elevated to  Curhaul, threatening to destabilize the hordes hierarchy. 


Nando, son of Droga

One of these upstards was Nando. His father, a well known blacksmith, had tried to impart upon him the ancient Dordorian virtues of  patience and respect. Yet Nando rejected the old ways. He would become a warrior, the strongest warrior there is. Of imposing stature, he was strong and arrogant and when the Elementy appeared he quickly proved his killing potential With unmatched speed, strength and skill he faced down his foes and quickly rose through the Dordorian warrior ranks . 

One day, a group of children were bathing in the hot springs near their camp, when a particularly large and menacing Elementy appeared . Nando rushed to the occasion, thrilled by the idea of adding another large crystal to his collection. However, instead of first diverting it from the camp he recklessly charged the creature head-on, dealing a massive blow with his Korkadol-steel axe.The beast was mortally injured but with its remaining  strength it charged straight towards the lake where the children were still cowering in terror. The children would have been doomed if not for a lower-rank warrior who was luckily right behind Nando. Standing in the way of the beast,  he brought it down  by driving his axe through it’s  skull. 

Enraged by seeing his kill being taken, Nando challenged the warrior to a duel. The warrior refused since he had merely stepped in to save the children. Nando’s rage boiled over and he charged the man, severely injuring him before other warriors intervened  and tied Nando down. For his recklessness and arrogance the Curhaul banished Nando, never to return to his horde again.

Nando wandered the Korkadol hinterlands on his own for a while until he came across an Orthan trade post where he learned about  the call for warriors, to venture into the rift. Nando sensed his destiny: he would not just be a great warrior.. he would be the greatest. Adorned with crystals he would return to his horde, who would have no choice but to make him Curhaul .

His name would be eternally remembered Nando, slayer of a thousand Elementy.